As a huge fan of self-reflection in general and having seen the evidence of it's impact on success many times in working with clients (and myself) the only real question becomes: what questions do you ask yourself that have the power to elicit the answers that are vital for you to manifest your dreams. Today, I'm sharing 15 of my favorites with you. An important part of your coach's job is to ask the right questions. We train for years to know which ones are the right
ones as from the thousands of questions your coach can ask you, there is always one perfect one for each
client conversation. Knowing that question is both an art and a science. Since this article is something of a one-sided conversation, the following questions are by necessity somewhat general, still, one will be the right question for you in the moments that you are reading it.
Take a few moments to think about your business in general or a specific aspect of your business that you want clarity on today. Read the following questions out loud slowly and notice how you respond to each one emotionally. One or two questions will truly resonate with you in the moment and you will feel within yourself as you read that question that it holds an important answer for you. Don't force the answers. Simply ask yourself the question or questions that your intuition responded to throughout the day and the answer will reveal itself.
1. Why am I in this business?
2. What is the biggest dream I can dream?
3. Who does and does not support my dreams?
4. How can I attract even more abundance in my life?
5. What is great about me? (and don't you dare say "nothing"!)
6. What thoughts do I have that empower me?
7. What is going right in my life?
8. How much well-being can I allow into my life? What will that look like?
9. What will make me feel good in this moment?
10. What is the most effortless way to get this done?
11. Who can help me with this project?
12. What choice feels best in this situation?
13. What thought right now will make me feel good about being me today?
14. What are the top 3 things I can let go of in my daily routine that would allow me to focus on income-producing activities instead?
15. What are the 3 biggest things I know I could do to increase my contribution and value?
Use these questions to motivate and empower yourself to live the life of your dreams.
And, of course, have fun with this.
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