Sunday, July 4, 2010

What is a Squeeze Page and how to Use them

Hello and welcome to a special video. In this video...I am going to show you an example of a squeeze page.

Basically the purpose of a squeeze page is the capture your customers name and email address.

As you can see, this is an example of a squeeze page where something is given for free in return or
the customer's e-mail address. The reason to grab their e-mail address is so that you can begin to build a relationship with them. This allows you to let them know you are and give them free products and advice in this particular market. Eventually you'll be able to market products to them as well.

Many savvy marketers utilize squeeze pages to build their list. Beyond a shadow of a doubt squeeze pages are very effective as an Internet marketing tool. Depending upon how you market your squeeze page, you could easily add a couple of hundred new subscribers depending upon the campaign you are utilizing with a squeeze page. It is very important that the offer on your squeeze page is worth subscribing for.

You can see from the design of a squeeze page, there are several important facets to a successful squeeze page. As with all marketing, a headline is critical to the success of your squeeze page. You must have an enticing and engaging headline to draw in the visitor. Second you see that there is a video on the squeeze page. They are known to increase the opt in rate substantially. You'll also notice that this landing page or squeeze page, is very simply laid out. Is clean and only has one purpose. Also notice the simple arrow graphic pointing down to tell people exactly what to do. People can watch the video, and then give up their name and e-mail address to gain access to your getaway. This is all that you want to do on a squeeze page where people clearly understand that there are only two options opt in, or leave.

So back to the design of the squeeze page, you can see a place they are for them to enter their name, and e-mail address and then they simply click on the button to access the product.

So squeeze pages are effective tool to use in your list building efforts.

Thanks for listening to this video on what is a squeeze page and how to use them

Dr net is an internet marketing search engine specialist and an online trainer. One of the Internet marketing tools is squeeze pages. But what is a squeeze page anyways and why use them? This is just one of many questions that dr net answers regularly at Ending The Frustration dot com.

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