Wednesday, June 30, 2010

5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs A Press Release Service

A press release service can play a huge role in getting company news out to those who will publicize it to the interested masses. It's important for all businesses to realize that they do have newsworthy information to share with the public.

News services are constantly seeking interesting or timely information and stories from companies. In fact, they're actually in demand by
news services. Editors of newspapers, radio and TV stations, and the many online news services are always looking for stories to fill space. The press release is still a very relative and important form of news reporting.

However, a company's various achievements and interesting story angles are only as good as their ability to publicize them. Knowing how to do this properly is crucial to the success of the story "getting out there."

The better the story is told, the better the chances are that it will be picked up by numerous sources. And it might even possibly lead to more in-depth follow-up coverage. That is the equivalent of hitting a grand slam in baseball!

What most companies do is either hire a professional press release writing service or utilize an in-house department to handle the duty. For most businesses it makes sense to hire a service. They know how to create a story of interest and how to properly submit it for distribution.

Here are 5 key reasons for a company to utilize a press release service:

1- It's a great way to improve the company's visibility. Trying to get recognized today can be difficult, especially for smaller local businesses. Valuable exposure can be gained by utilizing a long-term press release distribution plan.

First, it puts you in front of potential customers, giving you the opportunity to tell a unique story about your company. Secondly, if the press releases are well written, the media picking up your stories will give you more coverage over time.

2- You can become known as an industry leader and expert through press releases. Most people tend to trust what they read and hear through reputable news sources. The press release will help you gain consumer trust and eventual business.

Also, the media is always looking for industry experts to comment on related news stories. Constant exposure can place you in that expert position. This is another grand slam!

3- A well-written press release can give you far reaching exposure. Media outlets share stories and most of them come from local news items. Due to the internet, these can quickly spread. It only takes one reporter to show an interest in your local story for that story to quickly become national or even international. Think of the business potential! 4- They provide SEO (search engine optimization) benefits. You can gain great exposure for your website by distributing press releases with beneficial keywords. This is a great way for small business to increase their website page ranking with the various search engines.

5- For the exposure you can get, a press release is relatively inexpensive. This is especially true when you compare it to other various forms of paid advertising, and the quantity of exposure that can be gained through a release.

If you haven't considered utilizing a press release service to greatly expose your business, it's time to do so. Even in this day of high tech and new media, they are still very much alive and very beneficial to businesses.

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